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Paul's Patrons


This page is dedicated to content available to our patrons. Patrons are those who have committed to helping our ministry financially, on a monthly basis. While every one-time gift is appreciated, the monthly contributions help with long-term goals. 


If PWM is a blessing to you, and you appreciate the free materials available to all and want to see that continue, as well as helping Paul and NaTasha to take the gospel of grace to as many people as possible, please become a patron today.


Any monthly amount helps, and we consider all of our patrons to be of equal importance to PWM. When you commit to helping, you will receive a monthly patrons-only email that will contain a video link from Paul with a lesson that is available nowhere else. This is our way of saying “Thank you!”


Patrons will also receive a password that allows them into the Patrons page. This page will contain all of the archived videos that Paul will record each month and include in your email, so you don’t have to worry about losing them. The page will also have sermon links and artwork that you can use on your social media pages to help promote the gospel of grace and truly partner with us in reaching more people with Good News!


Many of you are already monthly contributors, and we are so grateful for that. If you are currently supporting PWM on a monthly basis, there is nothing you need to do to become a patron, except watch your inbox for the monthly “Paul’s Patrons” email. If you have not given us your email before (or you just want to make sure we have an updated version), please CLICK HERE or email us at and we will add you to the list.


Ready to join Paul’s Patrons? CLICK HERE and choose to give monthly via credit card (Ultracart) or PayPal. Once you complete your contribution sign-up, we will do the rest.


If you wish to contribute via check, please send a note with your email address. Send all checks and written correspondence to:


Paul White Ministries 

P.O. Box 1030

Flowery Branch, GA 30542

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